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2024 Peterborough Football Sponsorship Program

Join the Peterborough Football Family!

We would like to thank anyone who may consider sponsoring the KMFL and the Peterborough Wolverines. As completely Not for Profit organizations run by volunteers every penny of funds received goes directly to enhancing Youth football in our community

This is the most comprehensive Football Sponsorship package we have ever had!  With the flexibility of 5 different levels ranging from $250 to $2500, we can fit into your advertising budget...and you get a whole lot in return! 

Even if you partner with us at the $250 level you will have exposure during a minimum of 20 Peterborough Wolverines games spanning across five different age groups.  In addition to that you will also receive exposure during the entire KMFL season - that's 8 straight Saturdays of day-long advertising during all games! 

But that is just the minimum....we also have social media shout outs, in-game shoutouts, banners, sandwich boards, opportunities to promote your business at Wolverines and KMFL games...and much more!

You can view our Sponsorship Packages here

If you have any questions about our sponsorship program please contact our Sponsorship Director Mark Porter at

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