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Financial Assistance

There are several resources that can be accessed if player funding is a barrier to play.

The City of Peterborough offers a Recreation Fee Subsidy Program. This program assists low-income families and families receiving social assistance with registration costs for recreational programs offered by the City or other organizations within the City limits including but not limited to; sports activities, aquatic programs and camps for dependent children under the age of 19 years. You can apply for multiple programs at once, for one or more participants. The maximum subsidy per child is $100 or $200 per year depending on the low-income cut off per household. Applicants are required to be residents within the City of Peterborough.  You can access the City of Peterborough Sports Subsidy web page by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.

In addition to getting more information on funding available through the City of Peterborough, you can scroll down the page and find links to other funding avenues such as Canadian Tire Jumpstart and KidSport Ontario, among others.

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